
Choose The Correct Thatch Tile Installer

Choosing the correct thatch roof tile installer

Choosing the correct thatch roof tile installer , is as important as the type of thatch roof tiles you choose. There are may fly by night unscrupulous installers that do not give sufficient attention to the thatch roof tiling workmanship. Your roof project is just another job that must be completed in the soonest amount of time regardless of the finishing quality of the job.

Choosing a good, reputable and reliable thatch roof tile contractor is probably the single most important decision that will make your thatch roof conversion project a success or failure.

Harvey Tiles_Competitor_SA's Leading Thatch Tile Solution_Fiddler Roofing Products

The thatch roof tile installer checklist

Here are a few tips when choosing your contractor that will be fitting the thatch tiles on your thatch roof:

  • Does the contractor have a website with up to date contact details ?

  • The contractor must provide you with at least 5 recent references of projects completed recently

  • Contact his references and check how the work was performed and how the staff behaved on site

  • Does the contractor have business insurance or liability cover in place ?

  • The contractor’s staff must all be legally employed in RSA

  • Will the manager or owner be on site daily to manage and supervise his team ?

  • The contractor must be willing to sign a contract stipulating what he will do and his workmanship warranty

  • The contractor must be willing to settle for 50% deposit and 50% payment upon completion

  • Does the contractor have reliable transport ?

By |December 6th, 2015|Categories: Thatch Roof Installers|Tags: , |0 Comments

Thatch Roof Tiling Quotes

thatch roof tiling quote

Thatch Roof Tiling Quotes

So you received four quotes from different thatch roof tile installers but all three quotes are vastly different in price. The one quote seems very cheap, almost to good to be believed and the other 3 differ quite substantially in price.

The rule of thumb in quoting is that you must always compare apples with apples. This means that the one quote that is very low priced, and too good to be true must be interrogated carefully. Bread has its price and milk has its price, if the bread and milk price we receive from an unknown source is drastically lower in price than the bread and milk at the local retailer , then we must raise questions about it’s quality, integrity and sustainability. The same is true for thatch roof tiles and accessories.

If a substantially lower thatch roof tiling quote is submitted by an installer ,then question the installer as to what type of roof tile he plans to install. Question the installer if the wood is SABS and SATAS (South African Timber Association) approved. Make sure that all the installers that submitted quotes have industry experience, business insurance and trade references in place and that they provide written workmanship warranties for all jobs done. If any one contractor does not have any of the above in place, or cannot provide you with any of the above business information, then they would would be classified as a higher risk thatch roof tile installer. That installer/s quote, must then not be compared in like for like manner with the other installers. If you choose to use an installer of this standard then you must be prepared to take on the potential risks that come with doing business with such a company or installer.

Once you separated the installers in terms of their business operational practices and best practices as described above, you can further decide whom you wish to select for your thatch roof project. You can even choose to further negotiate the price with the installer of your choice to try and determine how you both can further reduce the total project costs. A quote that was negotiated lower in price by the home owner, is better than a cheap quote accepted by the home owner ,without understanding the details and merits of how the significantly lower price was achieved in the 1st place.

The homeowner can the discuss and negotiate his quote received from the thatch roof tile installer, so as to ensure his thatch roof renovation project still has all the warranties, safeguards and quality assurance measures in place before signing the service level agreement.

By |May 18th, 2022|Categories: Thatch Roof Tiling|Tags: , |0 Comments